#1 - 9th August 2014 Practical ideas, lies, box plots party, 100 people, % triangles, displays.
#2 - 16th August 2014 Whispers, post-its, visually appealing resources, back to school, wisdom.
#3 - 23rd August 2014 Homework, hunts, displays, #mathschat, mistakes and feedback.
#4 - 30th August 2014 Subject knowledge, Greek weeks, plenaries, routines, resources
#5 - 6th September 2014 Patterns, puzzles, primes, projects, plenaries and posters.
#6 - 13th September 2014 Geogebra, resources, superb websites, words to avoid, calligrams
#7 - 20th September 2014 Interactive areas, estimation, negatives, cheat sheets, whiteboards.
#8 - 28th September 2014 Paint, indices, ThingLink, concept walls, interesting graphs.
#9 - 11th October 2014 Hula hoops, stuck post-its, propaganda, parabolic x, counting circles.
#10 - 18th October 2014 Etymology, Plickers, misconception board, feedback, more post-its.
#11 - 25th October 2014 Quick Key, books, Find the Factors, chalk pens, alternative number line
#12 - 2nd November 2014 Area of a circle, standard form, A level resources, countdown, hashtags
#13 - 9th November 2014 Number experts, Mathigon, imbalance problems, Water Line, 3 apps
#14 - 17th November 2014 2 truths & a lie, visualisation, creativity, reasoning, book expectations
#15 - 23rd November 2014 Slice the Pie, inequalities, squares & cubes, Mathsticks, Desmos
#16 - 1st December 2014 Frozen fractals, angles, Pythagorean triples, semi-circle, Christmas
#17 - 7th December 2014 Balancing, blanks, dictionary, simultaneous equations, whiteboards
#18 - 13th December 2014 Newsletter gems: factorising, connections, rope, routes, revision notes
#19 - 21st December 2014 Polygraph, Point Point Gradient, owning facts, properties, Euclid
#20 - 28th December 2014 Factorising quadratics, IWB angles, big qus, C3 trig, decimal division
#21 - 4th January 2015 Brilliant, FOIL, BODMAS, Furbles, Euclid the Game
#22 - 17th January 2015 2015, constant character, I helped, what's the question?, examiner view
#23 - 1st February 2015 Perspective, etymathology, parabolas, Valentines Relay, War on Error
#24 - 9th February 2015 Angles, algebra countdown, isometric fractions, badges, art, imperial
#25 - 22nd February 2015 Newsletter gems: Stories, percentages, bearings, Guess Who, factors
#26 - 8th March 2015 Exercise books, parallel mazes, questioning, communication, Pi Day
#27 - 23rd March 2015 WODB, C4 integration, hint tokens, surds, sticky maths, TTRS
Gem Awards 2015
#28 - 24th April 2015 Math Snacks, Election Graphs, New Blogs, New GCSE, Classroom Practice
#29 - 5th May 2015 Nix Videos, #AlmostMondayMaths, Radians, MathsPad, Grange Maths Camp
#30 - 17th May 2015 Constructions, A level, Homework Expectations, Vocabulary, Activities
#31 - 23rd May 2015 - Ratio tables, trig transformations, assessment, number properties, LCM
#32 - 6th June 2015 - Starters, Documentaries, Polygon Angles, Reasoning, Zoolander
#33 - 3rd July 2015 - Pythag Pile Up, Fraction Art, Calculators, Videos, Self-descriptive numbers
#34 - 22nd July 2015 - Magnitude, Prime Time, Alphabet Lesson, A Level Prompts, Pizzazz
#35 - 1st August 2015 - Angle Chase, Book Presentation, Graph of the Week, Errors, Famous 5
#36 - 9th August 2015 - Area Maze, Warm-Ups, Desmos Activities, Pixel Puzzles, Geogebra
#37 - 18th August 2015 - Indices, 1001 Math Problems, Simulations, VideoScribe, Challenges
#38 - 23rd August 2015 - Tessellation, Displays, Timeline, A Level Challenge, Exit Tickets
#39 - 28th August 2015 - Bojagi, Noticeboard, Name Cards, Classroom Ideas, Statistics Prompts
#40 - 12th September 2015 - Play With Your Math, Estimating %, Ordering, Starters, Marking
#41 - 9th October 2015 - Rugby, High Attainers, Skills Check, Powers of 10, Ten Commandments
#42 - 28th October 2015 - Resources, Enrichment, m4ths.com, Target Stickers, GCSE revision
#43 - 8th November 2015 - Vocabulary, Addition, New Resources, Returning Tests, Animations
#44 - 25th November 2015 - Problems by Topic, Concept Maps, Exam Skills, Puzzles, Lost Qus
#45 - 13th December 2015 - Circumference, Pinpoint, Mock Analysis, C4 Integration, Snowflakes
#46 - 3rd January 2016 - 2016 Starters, Star Wars, Order of Operations, New GCSE, Multiplication
#47 - 10th January 2016 - Multiple Choice, Inequality, Wall of Shame, Quick Cover, Access Maths
#48 - 7th February 2016 - UKMT, Grade 9, Teaching Ideas, Fact of the Day, Feedback Sheets
#49 - 18th February 2016 - Revision Mats, MathsBot, Key Marks, Truncation, Underground
#50 - 27th February 2016 - Fractions & Percentages, Stats, Enrichment, Starter Packs, Leap Year
#51 - 9th March 2016 - Exam Tips, Fun with Primes, Fraction Talks, Orangier, Pi Day
#53 - 31st March 2016 - Games, MadAsMaths, Big Numbers, Problem, GCSE Revision
#54 - 6th April 2016 - Algebra, Year 6 Resources, GCSE Revision, UEA Resources, Questioning
#55 - 16th April 2016 - Daily Problems, Revision Cards, Problem PPT, Quibans, New Websites
Gem Awards 2016
#56 - 26th May 2016 - Euro 2016, Pythagoreanmath.com, Find someone, Colin Foster, Calculator
#57 - 5th June 2016 - Artful Maths, GCSE Paper 2, Odd + Odd, Maths Quickies, Parallel Lines
#58 - 21st June 2016 - New GCSE Revision, Primes, Polygon Angles, Schemes, GCSE Questions
#59 - 12th July 2016 - Questions, Arithmetic Vocabulary, Displays, Isometrics, Topical Maths
#60 - 24th July 2016 - Perpendicular Gradient, Metric Units, Calculus Puzzles, Displays, Shadows
#61 - 11th August 2016 - Crystal Ball, Planet Nutshell, Puzzles, Infinite Fractions, Planners
#62 - 27th August 2016 - Brilliant, Symbaloo, Fraction Division, Indices, Interactive GCSE Qus
#63 - 11th September 2016 - Revision Cards, Pythag & That, Pi Display, Yr 7 Tests, Pixi
#64 - 4th October 2016 - New GCSE, Fractions Task, MathsFrame, Inspect Spec, Number Line
#65 - 29th October 2016 - New GCSE, Puzzle, Visualiser Challenge, Crib Sheets, Twinkl
#66 - 13th November 2016 - 3Blue1Brown, Display, PinPoint, SMILE, Pythagoras with Blokus
#67 - 28th December 2016 - Polygons, My Favourite No, Primitives, e, Notepad Calculator
#68 - 27th January 2017 - Fractions, The Middle, Methods, Number Properties, Misconceptions
#69 - 15th February 2017 - DQs, Don's Blogs, Arrays, Big Questions, crashMaths
#70 - 4th March 2017 - Yes, But Why?, Statistics, Problem Solving, Equation Editor, MathPickle
#71 - 10th April 2017 - GCSE Revision, Desmos, ASN, Pick a Card, Perpendicular Gradient
Gem Awards 2017
#72 - 13th May 2017 - Solve Me, Underground Maths, MathsPad, Calculus, Exam Preparation
#73 - 4th June 2017 - GCSE Revision, Parabolator, A Level Summer Work, Problems Booklet
#74 - 3rd July 2017 - Area Mazes, Animations, Angles in Polygons, Odd One Out, End of Term
#75 - 4th August 2017 - Displays, Algebra Maze, A Level Resources, Sector Area, xactly
#76 - 2nd September 2017 - For Interest, thaMographe, Subtraction, Graspable, Problem Book
#77 - 27th September 2017 - Manipulatives, Revision Maze, A Level, Stickers, Rolling Numbers
#78 - 15th October 2017 - Access Maths, Puzz Grid, Parallel Line Mazes, Add 'Em Up, TickTock
#79 - 5th November 2017 - Percentages, TES Freebies, Prime on a Lime, KS3, Mental Arithmetic
#80 - 19th November 2017 - Times Tables, Twinkl, Quadratics, Multiplication Facts, Universcale
#81 - 1st January 2018 - Number Properties, Online Textbooks, Primary, A Level, Place Value
#82 - 24th January 2018 - By Category, Cover Me, GCSE Resources, Number Election, Visuals
#83 - 11th February 2018 - Find Me, Algebra, A Level, Primary Topics, Shape Transformations
#84 - 1st March 2018 - Checklists, A Level, Rich Tasks, Variation Theory, Addition Pyramids
#85 - 16th March 2018 - SSDD & Venns, Pi Display, Convince Me That, Minimally Diff, Literacy
#86 - 30th March 2018 - Matching, TES Collection, Mathonyms, Resources, SATs Revision
#87 - 18th April 2018 - Recall, GCSE Papers, Goal Free, What Went Wrong, GCSE Revision
Gem Awards 2018
#88 - 5th May 2018 - Show That, Plans and Elevations, Foundation Skills, A Level, UKMT Walls
#89 - 23rd May 2018 - Boss Maths, Year 12 Revision, Probability, Apps, Circle Puzzles
#90 - 10th June 2018 - Probability, Exam Wrapper, Number Puzzle, A Level, Euclid
#91 - 30th June 2018 - Box Plots, Variation Theory, Fractions, Compound Shapes, Coordinates
#92 - 22nd July 2018 - Ratios, Probability, Real-Life Graphs, Angles Puzzle, Symmetry Display
#93 - 6th August 2018 - Trig, Sums & Products, #midweekmaths, Homework, Geogebra IWB
#94 - 16th September 2018 - Padlet, Puzzles, A level, Global Textbooks, Multiplication
#95 - 30th September 2018 - Non-Examples, Rich Tasks, Maths4Everyone, Primes, Hegarty
#96 - 14th October 2018 - Starting Points, Mysteries, Maths Clubs, Formulae, Big Mistake
#97 - 23rd October 2018 - Loci, Calculator Posters, Pythagoras, Equipment Check, Algebraic Area
#98 - 10th November 2018 - Area, Triangles, Standard Form, Multiplying Fractions, Mocks
#99 - 24th November 2018 - Quizzes, Sum Fun, A Level by Topic, Calculator Poster, TT of the Week
#100 - 8th December 2018 - Mastery, Manipulatives, Indices, Area, Assessment and Questioning
#101 - 1st January 2019 - Euclid, Retrieval Facts, Surds Bricks, A Level, Puzzling App
#102 - 21st January 2019 - Boundaries, Algebra, Core Maths, Maths/Science CPD, Times Tables
#103 - 27th January 2019 - Surds, Puzzles, BossMaths, Hooks, Challenges
#104 - 16th February 2019 - Don Steward, Starters, Structured Recall, Competitions, eBook
#105 - 5th March 2019 - MathsPad, Similar Triangles, Missing Steps, Maths Frame, Posters
#106 - 17th March 2019 - Maths4Everyone, Basics, Notation, Mathigon, Additional Maths
#107 - 25th March 2019 - Foundation Revision, Year 6, A level, Protractors, Maths in Science
#108 - 4th April 2019 - SMP, Storyboarding, GCSE revision, Fill in the Gaps, A Level
#109 - 26th April 2019 - Task, New Website, Enrichment, A Level, Word Gap
Gems Awards 2019
#110 - 11th May 2019 - TES Author, Vectors, SATs Support, Defend Yourself, Shifting Times Tables
#111 - 25th May 2019 - Multiplication, MathByExample, Compound Area, Sequences, Generators
#112 - 16th June 2019 - Errors, Geogebra, Area Mazes, Calculator Crunch, Place Value
#113 - 14th July 2019 - L Shapes, Maths in Science, Puzzles, Circle Game, Topic Grids
#114 - 1st August 2019 - Polypad, Don Steward, Sequences, Templates, Puzzle of the Week
#115 - 28th August 2019 - Distributive Law, Frayer Models, Area Mazes, Photo Signs, Starters
#116 - 5th October 2019 - New Resources, Dice, MathsPad, A Level, Trigonometry Task
#117 - 2nd November 2019 - Ratio, Berwick Maths, Interleaving, Normal Dist, New Lessons
#118 - 15th December 2019 - Area, Reasoning, Pythagoras, Maths Opens Doors, In Between
#119 - 4th January 2020 - Don, Maths Kitchen, A Level, Task Design, Further 5-a-Day
#120 - 19th January 2020 - GCSE, Tutor Time, Number Bonds, Vocabulary, Goal-Free
#121 - 22nd February 2020 - Linear Graphs, K. Organisers, A Level, Etymology, Resources
#122 - 15th March 2020 - Quadrilaterals, New Resources, Bearings, Year 13, Starters
#123 - 21st March 2020 - Don Steward, Stand Up Maths, Literacy Mat, Volume, Free Resources
#124 - 4th April 2020 - Don Steward, Why Maths, Starting Points, White Rose, Free Resources
#125 - 8th April 2020 - Treasure Hunt, SATs, More-Same-Less, Jenga Views, Free Resources
#126 - 20th April 2020 - Manipulatives, Dot to Dot, UKMT, JaggersMaths, Bridging the Gap
#2 - 16th August 2014 Whispers, post-its, visually appealing resources, back to school, wisdom.
#3 - 23rd August 2014 Homework, hunts, displays, #mathschat, mistakes and feedback.
#4 - 30th August 2014 Subject knowledge, Greek weeks, plenaries, routines, resources
#5 - 6th September 2014 Patterns, puzzles, primes, projects, plenaries and posters.
#6 - 13th September 2014 Geogebra, resources, superb websites, words to avoid, calligrams
#7 - 20th September 2014 Interactive areas, estimation, negatives, cheat sheets, whiteboards.
#8 - 28th September 2014 Paint, indices, ThingLink, concept walls, interesting graphs.
#9 - 11th October 2014 Hula hoops, stuck post-its, propaganda, parabolic x, counting circles.
#10 - 18th October 2014 Etymology, Plickers, misconception board, feedback, more post-its.
#11 - 25th October 2014 Quick Key, books, Find the Factors, chalk pens, alternative number line
#12 - 2nd November 2014 Area of a circle, standard form, A level resources, countdown, hashtags
#13 - 9th November 2014 Number experts, Mathigon, imbalance problems, Water Line, 3 apps
#14 - 17th November 2014 2 truths & a lie, visualisation, creativity, reasoning, book expectations
#15 - 23rd November 2014 Slice the Pie, inequalities, squares & cubes, Mathsticks, Desmos
#16 - 1st December 2014 Frozen fractals, angles, Pythagorean triples, semi-circle, Christmas
#17 - 7th December 2014 Balancing, blanks, dictionary, simultaneous equations, whiteboards
#18 - 13th December 2014 Newsletter gems: factorising, connections, rope, routes, revision notes
#19 - 21st December 2014 Polygraph, Point Point Gradient, owning facts, properties, Euclid
#20 - 28th December 2014 Factorising quadratics, IWB angles, big qus, C3 trig, decimal division
#21 - 4th January 2015 Brilliant, FOIL, BODMAS, Furbles, Euclid the Game
#22 - 17th January 2015 2015, constant character, I helped, what's the question?, examiner view
#23 - 1st February 2015 Perspective, etymathology, parabolas, Valentines Relay, War on Error
#24 - 9th February 2015 Angles, algebra countdown, isometric fractions, badges, art, imperial
#25 - 22nd February 2015 Newsletter gems: Stories, percentages, bearings, Guess Who, factors
#26 - 8th March 2015 Exercise books, parallel mazes, questioning, communication, Pi Day
#27 - 23rd March 2015 WODB, C4 integration, hint tokens, surds, sticky maths, TTRS
Gem Awards 2015
#28 - 24th April 2015 Math Snacks, Election Graphs, New Blogs, New GCSE, Classroom Practice
#29 - 5th May 2015 Nix Videos, #AlmostMondayMaths, Radians, MathsPad, Grange Maths Camp
#30 - 17th May 2015 Constructions, A level, Homework Expectations, Vocabulary, Activities
#31 - 23rd May 2015 - Ratio tables, trig transformations, assessment, number properties, LCM
#32 - 6th June 2015 - Starters, Documentaries, Polygon Angles, Reasoning, Zoolander
#33 - 3rd July 2015 - Pythag Pile Up, Fraction Art, Calculators, Videos, Self-descriptive numbers
#34 - 22nd July 2015 - Magnitude, Prime Time, Alphabet Lesson, A Level Prompts, Pizzazz
#35 - 1st August 2015 - Angle Chase, Book Presentation, Graph of the Week, Errors, Famous 5
#36 - 9th August 2015 - Area Maze, Warm-Ups, Desmos Activities, Pixel Puzzles, Geogebra
#37 - 18th August 2015 - Indices, 1001 Math Problems, Simulations, VideoScribe, Challenges
#38 - 23rd August 2015 - Tessellation, Displays, Timeline, A Level Challenge, Exit Tickets
#39 - 28th August 2015 - Bojagi, Noticeboard, Name Cards, Classroom Ideas, Statistics Prompts
#40 - 12th September 2015 - Play With Your Math, Estimating %, Ordering, Starters, Marking
#41 - 9th October 2015 - Rugby, High Attainers, Skills Check, Powers of 10, Ten Commandments
#42 - 28th October 2015 - Resources, Enrichment, m4ths.com, Target Stickers, GCSE revision
#43 - 8th November 2015 - Vocabulary, Addition, New Resources, Returning Tests, Animations
#44 - 25th November 2015 - Problems by Topic, Concept Maps, Exam Skills, Puzzles, Lost Qus
#45 - 13th December 2015 - Circumference, Pinpoint, Mock Analysis, C4 Integration, Snowflakes
#46 - 3rd January 2016 - 2016 Starters, Star Wars, Order of Operations, New GCSE, Multiplication
#47 - 10th January 2016 - Multiple Choice, Inequality, Wall of Shame, Quick Cover, Access Maths
#48 - 7th February 2016 - UKMT, Grade 9, Teaching Ideas, Fact of the Day, Feedback Sheets
#49 - 18th February 2016 - Revision Mats, MathsBot, Key Marks, Truncation, Underground
#50 - 27th February 2016 - Fractions & Percentages, Stats, Enrichment, Starter Packs, Leap Year
#51 - 9th March 2016 - Exam Tips, Fun with Primes, Fraction Talks, Orangier, Pi Day
#52 - 23rd March 2016 - GCSE Revision, Negatives, A Level Revision, Points, Primary
#53 - 31st March 2016 - Games, MadAsMaths, Big Numbers, Problem, GCSE Revision
#54 - 6th April 2016 - Algebra, Year 6 Resources, GCSE Revision, UEA Resources, Questioning
#55 - 16th April 2016 - Daily Problems, Revision Cards, Problem PPT, Quibans, New Websites
Gem Awards 2016
#56 - 26th May 2016 - Euro 2016, Pythagoreanmath.com, Find someone, Colin Foster, Calculator
#57 - 5th June 2016 - Artful Maths, GCSE Paper 2, Odd + Odd, Maths Quickies, Parallel Lines
#58 - 21st June 2016 - New GCSE Revision, Primes, Polygon Angles, Schemes, GCSE Questions
#59 - 12th July 2016 - Questions, Arithmetic Vocabulary, Displays, Isometrics, Topical Maths
#60 - 24th July 2016 - Perpendicular Gradient, Metric Units, Calculus Puzzles, Displays, Shadows
#61 - 11th August 2016 - Crystal Ball, Planet Nutshell, Puzzles, Infinite Fractions, Planners
#62 - 27th August 2016 - Brilliant, Symbaloo, Fraction Division, Indices, Interactive GCSE Qus
#63 - 11th September 2016 - Revision Cards, Pythag & That, Pi Display, Yr 7 Tests, Pixi
#64 - 4th October 2016 - New GCSE, Fractions Task, MathsFrame, Inspect Spec, Number Line
#65 - 29th October 2016 - New GCSE, Puzzle, Visualiser Challenge, Crib Sheets, Twinkl
#66 - 13th November 2016 - 3Blue1Brown, Display, PinPoint, SMILE, Pythagoras with Blokus
#67 - 28th December 2016 - Polygons, My Favourite No, Primitives, e, Notepad Calculator
#68 - 27th January 2017 - Fractions, The Middle, Methods, Number Properties, Misconceptions
#69 - 15th February 2017 - DQs, Don's Blogs, Arrays, Big Questions, crashMaths
#70 - 4th March 2017 - Yes, But Why?, Statistics, Problem Solving, Equation Editor, MathPickle
#71 - 10th April 2017 - GCSE Revision, Desmos, ASN, Pick a Card, Perpendicular Gradient
Gem Awards 2017
#72 - 13th May 2017 - Solve Me, Underground Maths, MathsPad, Calculus, Exam Preparation
#73 - 4th June 2017 - GCSE Revision, Parabolator, A Level Summer Work, Problems Booklet
#74 - 3rd July 2017 - Area Mazes, Animations, Angles in Polygons, Odd One Out, End of Term
#75 - 4th August 2017 - Displays, Algebra Maze, A Level Resources, Sector Area, xactly
#76 - 2nd September 2017 - For Interest, thaMographe, Subtraction, Graspable, Problem Book
#77 - 27th September 2017 - Manipulatives, Revision Maze, A Level, Stickers, Rolling Numbers
#78 - 15th October 2017 - Access Maths, Puzz Grid, Parallel Line Mazes, Add 'Em Up, TickTock
#79 - 5th November 2017 - Percentages, TES Freebies, Prime on a Lime, KS3, Mental Arithmetic
#80 - 19th November 2017 - Times Tables, Twinkl, Quadratics, Multiplication Facts, Universcale
#81 - 1st January 2018 - Number Properties, Online Textbooks, Primary, A Level, Place Value
#82 - 24th January 2018 - By Category, Cover Me, GCSE Resources, Number Election, Visuals
#83 - 11th February 2018 - Find Me, Algebra, A Level, Primary Topics, Shape Transformations
#84 - 1st March 2018 - Checklists, A Level, Rich Tasks, Variation Theory, Addition Pyramids
#85 - 16th March 2018 - SSDD & Venns, Pi Display, Convince Me That, Minimally Diff, Literacy
#86 - 30th March 2018 - Matching, TES Collection, Mathonyms, Resources, SATs Revision
#87 - 18th April 2018 - Recall, GCSE Papers, Goal Free, What Went Wrong, GCSE Revision
Gem Awards 2018
#88 - 5th May 2018 - Show That, Plans and Elevations, Foundation Skills, A Level, UKMT Walls
#89 - 23rd May 2018 - Boss Maths, Year 12 Revision, Probability, Apps, Circle Puzzles
#90 - 10th June 2018 - Probability, Exam Wrapper, Number Puzzle, A Level, Euclid
#91 - 30th June 2018 - Box Plots, Variation Theory, Fractions, Compound Shapes, Coordinates
#92 - 22nd July 2018 - Ratios, Probability, Real-Life Graphs, Angles Puzzle, Symmetry Display
#93 - 6th August 2018 - Trig, Sums & Products, #midweekmaths, Homework, Geogebra IWB
#94 - 16th September 2018 - Padlet, Puzzles, A level, Global Textbooks, Multiplication
#95 - 30th September 2018 - Non-Examples, Rich Tasks, Maths4Everyone, Primes, Hegarty
#96 - 14th October 2018 - Starting Points, Mysteries, Maths Clubs, Formulae, Big Mistake
#97 - 23rd October 2018 - Loci, Calculator Posters, Pythagoras, Equipment Check, Algebraic Area
#98 - 10th November 2018 - Area, Triangles, Standard Form, Multiplying Fractions, Mocks
#99 - 24th November 2018 - Quizzes, Sum Fun, A Level by Topic, Calculator Poster, TT of the Week
#100 - 8th December 2018 - Mastery, Manipulatives, Indices, Area, Assessment and Questioning
#101 - 1st January 2019 - Euclid, Retrieval Facts, Surds Bricks, A Level, Puzzling App
#102 - 21st January 2019 - Boundaries, Algebra, Core Maths, Maths/Science CPD, Times Tables
#103 - 27th January 2019 - Surds, Puzzles, BossMaths, Hooks, Challenges
#104 - 16th February 2019 - Don Steward, Starters, Structured Recall, Competitions, eBook
#105 - 5th March 2019 - MathsPad, Similar Triangles, Missing Steps, Maths Frame, Posters
#106 - 17th March 2019 - Maths4Everyone, Basics, Notation, Mathigon, Additional Maths
#107 - 25th March 2019 - Foundation Revision, Year 6, A level, Protractors, Maths in Science
#108 - 4th April 2019 - SMP, Storyboarding, GCSE revision, Fill in the Gaps, A Level
#109 - 26th April 2019 - Task, New Website, Enrichment, A Level, Word Gap
Gems Awards 2019
#110 - 11th May 2019 - TES Author, Vectors, SATs Support, Defend Yourself, Shifting Times Tables
#111 - 25th May 2019 - Multiplication, MathByExample, Compound Area, Sequences, Generators
#112 - 16th June 2019 - Errors, Geogebra, Area Mazes, Calculator Crunch, Place Value
#113 - 14th July 2019 - L Shapes, Maths in Science, Puzzles, Circle Game, Topic Grids
#114 - 1st August 2019 - Polypad, Don Steward, Sequences, Templates, Puzzle of the Week
#115 - 28th August 2019 - Distributive Law, Frayer Models, Area Mazes, Photo Signs, Starters
#116 - 5th October 2019 - New Resources, Dice, MathsPad, A Level, Trigonometry Task
#117 - 2nd November 2019 - Ratio, Berwick Maths, Interleaving, Normal Dist, New Lessons
#118 - 15th December 2019 - Area, Reasoning, Pythagoras, Maths Opens Doors, In Between
#119 - 4th January 2020 - Don, Maths Kitchen, A Level, Task Design, Further 5-a-Day
#120 - 19th January 2020 - GCSE, Tutor Time, Number Bonds, Vocabulary, Goal-Free
#121 - 22nd February 2020 - Linear Graphs, K. Organisers, A Level, Etymology, Resources
#122 - 15th March 2020 - Quadrilaterals, New Resources, Bearings, Year 13, Starters
#123 - 21st March 2020 - Don Steward, Stand Up Maths, Literacy Mat, Volume, Free Resources
#124 - 4th April 2020 - Don Steward, Why Maths, Starting Points, White Rose, Free Resources
#125 - 8th April 2020 - Treasure Hunt, SATs, More-Same-Less, Jenga Views, Free Resources
#126 - 20th April 2020 - Manipulatives, Dot to Dot, UKMT, JaggersMaths, Bridging the Gap
#127 - 7th May 2020 - Pick n Mix, Websites, Code Breakers, Bridging the Gap, Further RISPs
#128 - 23rd May 2020 - Secondary Ready, Colour the Pattern, L Shaped Perimeters, A Level, CPD
#129 - 6th June 2020 - Induction, Distance, Learning Journeys, Slow Reveal Graphs, Tasks
#130 - 21st June 2020 - Quad Formula, Goal-Free, Calculated Colour, Squares, Templates
#131 - 5th July 2020 - Self Marking, A Level KOs, Pedagogical Prompts, Planning, Resources
#132 - 19th July 2020 - Primary Guidance, Famous Mathematicians Display, A Level, Mean, Tasks
#133 - 30th July 2020 - Websites, Equivalence, New Tasks, Quadratics, Order of Operations
#134 - 30th August 2020 - Games, New Resources, Quote Display, Videos, Further Maths, White Rose, Primary, Vocabulary, A Level, Timers
#135 - 27th September 2020 - Booklets, SoW, Corbett Maths Books, Masterclasses, Backwards Fading, KS3 Resources, Indices, NCETM, Exam Preparation, Perimeter
#136 - 25th October 2020 - Countdown, Quad Formula, Refreshing Revision, Powers Task, Sketches
#137 - 1st November 2020 - Guided Reading, A Level Support, Standard Form, Timeline, Tasks
#138 - 21st November 2020 - Prime Factors, Cert FM, Tasks, GCSE Statistics, Volume, Recall, Sequences and Fractions, Number Sense, Place Value, Pictograms
#139 - 18th December 2020 - Tasks, Tools, Website Updates, GCSE Revision, Multiplication
#140 - 1st January 2021 - Functions, Statistics, Bad Calculators, Mechanics, MathsPad
#141 - 7th February 2021 - Tasks, Booklets, MS Forms Quizzes, A Level, Mr Draper's Posts
#142 - 13th March 2021 - Times Table Packs, Website, Tasks, Escape Rooms, Foundation Booklets
#143 - 3rd April 2021 - Place Value Tool, Powers, New App, CPD, Simple Linear Graphs
Gem Awards 2021
Gem Awards 2021
#144 - 16th May 2021 - Tasks, Self-Explanation Prompts, MathsPad, A Level, Methods
#145 - 27th June 2021 - Purposeful Maths, NCETM Checkpoints, Angles, Revision, Stats Charts
#146 - 27th July 2021 - Pythagoras, CIMT, Surds, Problems, Powers and Roots
#147 - 22nd August 2021 - Dr Austin, PolyPad, Ofsted Review, MathsDIY, Guided Reading
#148 - 3rd October 2021 - Distance Time Game, MCQ Generator, Percentages, Factorising, Spinners
#149 - 22nd October 2021 - Entry Level, Codebreakers, Oops I Forgot!, Linked Maths, Resources
#150 - 14th November 2021 - Tasks, Mrdaymaths.com, Angles & Ratio, Quadratics, QLA Workbooks
#151 - 5th December 2021 - Interwoven Maths, Starting Points, Range, Equations, Booklets
#152 - 22nd December 2021 - Equiv to One, Deeper Maths, Maths Challenge, Videos, Order of Ops
#153 - 30th January 2022 - Digitisers, GCSE Statistics, Sequences Wordle, GCSE Booklets, Tasks
#154 - 17th February 2022 - Mixed Six, Mini Tests, A Level, Ratio Booklet, KS2 Spot the Mistake
#155 - 13th March 2022 - GCSE Resources, Number Puzzles, Mathematician Profiles, MA Book, GCSE Statistics, Circle Theorems, Backward Fading, Pi Day Relay, FDP Booklet, Tips for Teachers
#156 - 10th April 2022 - GCSE Revision, Dr Austin, Number Puzzle, Resources, A Level Calculators
#157 - 1st May 2022 - A Level, Would You Rather, Graph Intersections, Formula Sheet, Venn Paint
#158 - 15th May 2022 - Revision, ExamQ, Maths Universe, Ratio Tables, Interwoven Maths
#159 - 3rd July 2022 - Proportionality, Trapezium, Circle Theorems, Geogebra, Pie Charts + Bearings
#160 - 2nd August 2022 - Warm Ups, Further Maths, Dr Austin, Negatives Hook, Percentages
#161 - 29th August 2022 - Mathematicians Display, Vectors, Cert in FM, GCSE Revision, Place Value
#162 - 18th September 2022 - Scaffolded Tasks, Etymology Video, Angles, Indices, Fractions
#163 - 16th October 2022 - Zeroes and Ones, Frequency Trees, Graph Axes, Nets, Tasks
#164 - 13th November 2022 - Worked Examples, Negative Indices, Gifs, Bearings, Starting Points
#165 - 31st December 2022 - Revision, Further Maths, New Resources, Infinite WB, All Ten
#166 - 29th January 2023 - Revision, Completion Tables, Workbooks, Formula Sheet, Problem Solving
#167 - 25th February 2023 - PolyPad, Knowledge, Standard Form, Kinematics, Same & Different
#168 - 2nd April 2023 - Revision, Function Machines, Dr Austin, Venns, DSE Questions
#169 - 23rd April 2023 - GCSE Revision, Cert FM, A Level, PowerPoint Tips, Correlation
#170 - 13th May 2023 - GCSE Revision, TES Author, Brackets, Dr Austin, MathsPad
#171 - 30th May 2023 - GCSE Revision, Probability, Cert FM, Tasks, Root & Primes
#172 - 8th July 2023 - Snakes, Speak Like a Scholar, Casio Tips, Tasks, Circle Theorems
#173 - 10th August 2023 - Graphics, Maths Advance, Dr Austin, MathsPad, Escape Room
#174 - 10th September 2023 - Menu Math, Rehearsal Strips, Eedi, A Level KOs, Fraction Bar
#175 - 24th October 2023 - Resources, Revision, Vocabulary, Oak, Fraction Division
#176 - 25th November 2023 - 1st Class Maths, MathsBot, Tasks, Dr Frost, Function Machines
#177 - 14th February 2024 - MathsLinks, Oak, OAT, Etymology, Tasks
#178 - 9th March 2024 - Proportion, Graph Transformations, GeoGebra, Pythagoras, Prime Factors
#179 - 8th April 2024 - Maths Advance, A Level, GCSE Revision, Algebraic Fractions, 1st Class Maths
#180 - 14th July 2024 - Area, Factor Fish, Crossword, Dr Austin, MathsPad
Hi Jo. Not sure if the Singapore stumper (http://www.smh.com.au/world/the-maths-question-for-singapore-teenagers-that-has-stumped-the-world-20150414-1mki4q.html) found it's way to the UK?
ReplyDeleteOne of our tutor's has an easy to understand solution that your followers might enjoy - http://blog.yourtutor.com.au/an-explanation-to-the-maths-problem-thats-stumping-the-world
Thanks for this Mike. Yep, that was in all the papers here too! Great explanation.
Deletehave you seen this Jo?
Lots of exam papers (Admittedly old style GCSE)
Yes, thanks! Great stuff from Mo. I'm sure I've blogged about it somewhere before...
DeleteWhat an awesome website! Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this.
ReplyDeleteHi Jo,
ReplyDeleteI need your help please. A few months back, I stumbled across a blog/gem about histogram on this website and it was really insightful. It was based on the reflections of the lessons on histogram. I am looking for it now but can't find it. Can you please direct me to it. Many thanks
Hi. I'm really sorry but I can't remember. Normally I remember everything I've blogged about. And searching for histogram doesn't come up with it, which is weird because my search function works well. Are you sure it was here?
DeleteI know this is the latest reply ever, but I worked it out! Here:
Hi Jo, Thank you! You are absolutely amazing! I just saw your message after all these years. This is exactly it.
DeleteHi Jo! I'm sure I saw somewhere a game like wordle, where you have a few guesses to work out a number that is a multiple of 3. I'm sure I must have got it from your gems but now I can't find it! Do you happen to know what I'm talking about? Jen
DeleteHi. I think you mean Numble: https://numble.online/. Hope this helps!