23 March 2016

5 Maths Gems #52

Hello and welcome to my 52nd gems post. This is where I share five maths teaching ideas that I've seen on Twitter.

1. GCSE Revision
The Easter holidays are here! Phew, time for a rest. When we return to school for the summer term many of us will start preparing our Year 11 classes for their GCSE exams. I wrote a post 'Higher GCSE Revision' last year which includes all my favourite resources but I'm always on the look out for new ideas. Thanks to Maria Howard (@MrsHsNumeracy) for creating a helpful booklet of 'quick mark GCSE questions' grouped by topic, with answers.
2. Starter Cards and Negative Numbers
I'm a big fan of MathsPad. Some of their resources are free and some require a subscription. It's worth following @MathsPadNicola and @MathsPadJames on Twitter.

Nicola recently tweeted a link to a new range of starter tasks that could be used as starters, exit slips or mini-assessments.
Nicola also shared a lovely negative numbers magic square activity.
In response to this, Colin Foster (@colinfoster77) shared the chapter 'Negative Numbers' from his book Number and Algebra. I think this will be really useful to new teachers when they teach negative numbers for the first time. I like the multiplication square activity which helps students understand why multiplying two negative numbers gives a positive number.
The full set of Colin's brilliant books can be found here.

3. A Level Revision
After the Easter holidays we have around five weeks at school before exam season starts. I'll need to finish teaching C2 and C4 then do some exam preparation. If you're looking for A level revision resources, there are a few at the bottom of my AS resource library and A2 resource library. These include my revision cards and my C2 revision relay.

Sandra from MathsBox (@mathsbox1) recently tweeted a link to some new A2 revision starters (example pictured below).
If you know of any other good A level revision resources please let me know.

4. Points
I like 'Points Number Work' by Jeremy Denton (@Jeremy_Denton). Students are given 20 minutes to try to get as many points as possible. It's always worth getting students to practise these key skills.
5. Primary Resources
Year 6 teachers and parents will be pleased to hear that Mark McCourt (@EmathsUK) has starting publishing practice papers for the new Key Stage 2 Arithmetic Tests.

Whilst on the subject of primary resources, I should mention some materials that were recently shared by Beth Lilley (@MissBLilley).  I've never seen these booklets from New Zealand's Maths Centre before - there's loads of great primary material here so I've added the link to my Primary Maths page.

There's also some good secondary resources here, such as the Geometric Reasoning booklet, and some other bits and pieces that might come in handy (a Family Maths booklet and an Adult Numeracy booklet). Lots to explore!

Edexcel sent out FAQs for the new GCSE specification - this is worth reading. It contains some useful clarifications. Time to brush up on my knowledge of the Peterson capture-recapture method! If you don't know what that is then you would benefit from reading this post by @Jeremy_Denton.

Booking is now open for Edexcel's Warwick Conference 2016 which is on Saturday 2nd July. I'll be presenting on 'the wonderful world of maths resources'. I'm so excited about seeing Hannah Fry's keynote - she's brilliant! Do book a place if you can (it's £185 so ask your school to pay!).

Last week I hosted #mathsmeetglyn with Don Steward. The excellent slides can be downloaded here.

Have a lovely Easter!
Don Steward's preferred lesson structure:
20 minutes of teaching, 40 minutes of
'practice with depth' and generalising

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