Huge thanks to all individuals and organisations who share teaching resources.
Quick links: Averages and Spread | Bar Charts | Pie Charts | Histograms | Stem and Leaf | Pictograms | Cumulative Frequency & Box Plots | Scatter Graphs | Time Series | Sampling and Surveys | Capture-Recapture | Probability | Probability Trees | Frequency Trees | Venns and Sets | Revision
Averages and Spread
- Average and Range Spiders - alutwyche on TES
- Average and range fill in the blanks (answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Girls are Better at Maths? - mathspad.co.uk
- Averages Puzzle - mathspad.co.uk
- Small data set average problems - Median Don Steward
- Mean lesson - Boss Maths
- Mean matching cards - NCETM
- Mean questions (answers) - @taylorda01
- Reverse mean - KennethStafford.co.uk
- Mean from a list - Richard Tock
- Mean from a list of data - numbers - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Mean from a list of data - algebra - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Mean from a list of data - missing numbers - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Median lesson - Boss Maths
- Median and Quartiles Fill In The Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Median questions (answers) - @taylorda01
- Median from a list of data - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Interquartile range - Miss Konstantine
- Range lesson - Boss Maths
- Range from a list of data - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Wipe out - Median Don Steward
- Two poems - Median Don Steward
- Averages and the range worksheets - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Exam questions on averages and the range - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Averages and range true or false (answers) - Dr Austin
- Mean, Median, Mode and Range - Maths Assessment Project
- Averages and Range Maths Challenge Questions (answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Averages and range: increase, decrease, same? - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Venn rich tasks - mathsvenns.com
- Averages with fractions - Nathan Day
- Averages with surds - Nathan Day
- OAT Maths lessons and booklet - OAT Maths
- Averages and the range exam style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
From a frequency table
- Frequency tables - MathsHKO
- Messy Means - Maths Sandpit
- Frequency Tables and Mode - Richard Tock
- Mean from a frequency table - Richard Tock
- Estimating the mean from a grouped frequency table - Richard Tock
- Mean from a table crack the code (answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Estimate the mean from a grouped frequency table - @fortyninecubed via variationtheory.com
- Estimate the mean from a frequency table 2 - @fortyninecubed via variationtheory.com
- Mode and modal class lesson - Boss Maths
- Mean of a frequency distribution - Median Don Steward
- Mean from a frequency table - @mathsmrgordon via variationtheory.com
- Mode from a frequency table - @mathsmrgordon via variationtheory.com
- Mean, Median, Mode - mathshelper.co.uk
- GCSE questions on frequency tables - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Averages from frequency tables exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Averages from grouped frequency tables exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- MathsPad has great resources for frequency tables and averages - subscription required.
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Average number of peas in a pod? - from Median Don Steward |
Bar Charts
- Bar charts lesson - Boss Maths
- Drawing Comparative Bar Charts Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Drawing Composite Bar Charts Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Relating charts to data sets - Don Steward
- Data Collection and Presentation chapter - CIMT
- Drawing bar charts - TeachIt Maths
- Trevor's Holiday Project - TeachIt Maths
- Whispers game - TeachIt Maths
- Bar chart and pie chart codebreakers - alutwyche on TES
- Bar chart problem solving - groov_e_chik on TES
Pie Charts
- Pie charts lesson - Boss Maths
- Drawing Pie Charts Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Pie Charts Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Calculating pie chart angles - @fortyninecubed via variationtheory.com
- Pie Charts - Median Don Steward
- Various pie chart resources - Teachit Maths
- Pie chart puzzles - National Stem Centre
- Pie Chart Tasks - MathsHKO
- Drawing Pie Charts exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Blog post about teaching histograms - Paul Rowlandson
- Histograms lesson - Boss Maths
- Histograms lesson and worksheets - DrFrostMaths.com
- Histogram lesson materials - Don Steward
- Plotting Histograms Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Plotting Incomplete Histograms Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Histograms Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Interpreting Histograms Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Finding the Median from a Histogram Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Histograms Practice Grid (Editable Word | PDF | Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- GCSE questions on histograms - mathsteaching.wordpress.com
- Interwoven Histograms and Cumulative Frequency - Nathan Day
- Interactive histogram median in Desmos - Catriona Agg
- Histograms task - Karen Hancock
- GCSE 9 - 1 exam questions - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Interpreting Histograms exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Drawing Histograms exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Interpreting Frequency Graphs (textbook extract - includes histograms) - OUP
- Simple stem and leaf worksheet - nottcl on TES
- Stem and leaf lesson and resources - goteachmaths
- Stem and leaf diagram problems - Don Steward
- Stem and leaf exam style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- More ideas and resources in my blog post on stem and leaf plots
- Pictograms lesson - Boss Maths
- Pictograms lesson - Richard Tock
- Pictograms task - @giftedHKO
- Interquartile range and box plots lesson - Boss Maths
- Box plots: increase, decrease, same? - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Box plots: draw and interpret - alisongilroy on TES
- Temperatures (box plots) - Mathematics Assessment Project
- Cumulative frequency graphs lesson - Boss Maths
- Plotting Cumulative Frequency Graphs (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Reading Cumulative Frequency Graphs (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Finding Frequencies from Cumulative Frequency Graphs Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Cumulative Frequency Graphs Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Cumulative frequency questions - Median Don Steward
- Interwoven Histograms and Cumulative Frequency - Nathan Day
- Cumulative Frequency GCSE questions - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Comparing data sets lesson - Boss Maths
- Box Plots and Quartiles (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Cumulative Frequency Diagrams exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- More ideas and resources in my blog post on box plots
- Ideas and resources in my blog post on scatter graphs
- Scatter graphs, correlation and causation - Boss Maths
- Scatter Graphs True or False - MathsPad
- Scatter graph resources - goteachmaths
- 'Bee aware' activity - Median Don Steward
- Scatter graph questions - Median Don Steward
- Scatter graph hat-trick - Teachit Maths
- Scatter graphs - TeachitMaths
- Statistical diagrams chapter (including scatter graphs) - CIMT (see website for answers)
- Scatter graph investigation - Teachit Maths
- Scatter graphs activities - Phil Hatchard on TES
- Correlation vs Causation Worksheet - mathworksheetsland.com
- Correlation vs Causation Activities - sweeney67.weebly.com
- Correlation and cause slides - ceviche on TES
- GCSE 9-1 Exam Practice Questions (Scatter Graphs) - Maths4Everyone on TES
- OAT Maths lessons and booklet - OAT Maths
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Time Series
(note that moving averages are not on the new GCSE specification but time series are)
(note that moving averages are not on the new GCSE specification but time series are)
- Tables, conversion graphs, line graphs and time series - Boss Maths
- Times Series & Moving Averages - Ryan Smailes on TES
- Time Series Graphs - mcs123 on TES
- Data Analysis and Interpretation - CIMT
- Moving Averages -
@ dooranran on TES - Time Series textbook chapter
- Sampling lesson - Boss Maths
- Paddy Paws, Nisbett and the parrot (data collection sheet design) - Teachit Maths
- Interactive biased question sort - mathspad.co.uk
- Common mistakes survey - The Chalk Face (& accompanying PowerPoint)
- Prezi slideshow 'Sampling' - to generate discussion about sampling methods (by me!)
- Types of data - The Chalk Face
- Data types and sampling methods - Teachit Maths
- Data collection and sampling revision cards - Teachit Maths
- Parking Permits (stratified sampling) - student sheet, notes, slides - Nuffield Foundation
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Capture-Recapture (see my blog post)
- Capture-Recapture handout and slides - MathsPad
- Capture and Recapture - nrich
- Capture Recapture textbook exercise - CorbettMaths
- Capture Recapture New GCSE - dannytheref on TES
- Capture-Recapture Slides - pbrucemaths on TES
- Capture recapture worksheet - youngscientistsmhs.weebly.com
- Select 'Estimating Populations' on the mathsbot.com GCSE question generator
- Mark and recapture garden snails (graphic for practical activity) - The Wildlife Trusts on TES
- See Edexcel Emporium (GCSE 1MA1 Practice papers > Themed papers) for exam questions
- Capture-Recapture Exam Style Questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
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Evaluating Statements about Probability - Mathematics Assessment Project |
Listing and Counting
- Systematic listing strategies and the product rule for counting lesson - Boss Maths
- Listing outcomes - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Product rule for counting exercise - Corbett Maths
- Systematic listing and counting strategies - one freee, five with MathsPad subscription
- Three pens - Just Maths
- Product Rule for Counting - Corbett Maths
- Product Rule for Counting - First Class Maths
- Counting Strategies Full Coverage GCSE Questions - compiled by Dr Frost
- Blog post: Multiplicative counting - the different types from @MrMattock
- Blog post & resource list: Systematic Listing Strategies from @ColleenYoung
Probability (also see trees, below)
- CIMT Probability - KS3 and GCSE - CIMT via TES
- Simple probability worksheets - dh2119 on TES
- Mutually exclusive probability - Richard Tock on TES
- Probability (slides and worksheets) - Dan Walker on TES
- Simple probability match-up - mathspad.co.uk
- Probability resources - Dr Austin Maths
- Theoretical probability lesson - Boss Maths
- Probability and counters - Don Steward
- Probability - Filling Spinners - steele1989 on TES
- Probability Puzzles - alutwyche on TES
- Experimental vs Theoretical probability activity
- Old KS2 probability questions
- Probability KS3 questions - Median Don Steward
- Greater odds - Median Don Steward
- Probability and words - Median Don Steward
- Simple probability - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Probability single event - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Evaluating Statements about Probability - Maths Assessment Project (activities at the back)
- Introduction to probability - lessons plans and activities - Project Maths
- Introduction to relative frequency - lessons plans and activities - Project Maths
- Relative frequency lesson - Boss Maths
- Fair or not? - Median Don Steward
- Probabilities from tables - steele1989 on TES
- Sample space scenarios - Teachit Maths
- Sample space puzzles - Teachit Maths
- Could it be a probability? - Craig Barton via variationtheory.com
- Conditional probability lesson - Boss Maths
- Probability Full Coverage GCSE Questions - compiled by Dr Frost
- Exam style questions - Transum
- Conditional Probability (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Blog post about teaching probability trees - Paul Rowlandson
- Tree diagrams lesson - Boss Maths
- Simple probability trees worksheet (& solutions) - adapted from original by Georgina Burgess
- Probability trees for dependent events
- Tree diagrams - Median Don Steward
- Probability tree resources - Dr Austin Maths
- Tree diagrams - challenge and extension problems - tonycarter45 on TES
- Probability trees - mathshelper.co.uk
- Probability trees workbook - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Probability trees GCSE question practice - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Exam style questions - Transum
- Probability tree diagrams exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Frequency trees lesson - Boss Maths
- Reasoning with Frequency Trees - Mr Draper Maths
- Frequency trees and percentages - Don Steward
- Frequency trees - alisongilroy on TES
- Frequency trees - explanation and exploration - DaveGale on TES
- Frequency trees 1/ Frequency trees 2 / Frequency trees 3 - m4ths.com
- Prize Giving - nrich
- LEARN homework - JustMaths
Sets and Venns
- Sets GCSE Summary Book - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Venn diagram dominoes - Teachit Maths
- Venn diagrams activities - nottcl on TES
- Sets & Venns Chapter
- Probability & Venn Diagrams Chapter
- Logic and Venn Diagrams (& activities & slides) - CIMT
- Venn Paint - Transum
- Set notation worksheet
- Venn resources - Dr Austin Maths
- Venn Diagram Activities Probability - nottcl on TES
- Venn Diagrams and the Addition Rule - Illustrative Mathematics
- Venn Diagram exam questions - from Irish exam papers via
@e_hayes12 - Probability venn diagrams - mathshelper.co.uk
- Independence, Dependence, Mutually Exclusive or Not? - Payphone on TES
- KS3-4 Bridging the gap Pocket 5 - Set notation, number lines and Venn diagrams - AQA
- Venn Diagram AQA GCSE questions - collated by the calculatorguide.com
- GCSE (9-1) Venn diagrams exam questions - aliali on TES
- Exam Question Practice (Venn Diagrams) - Maths4Everyone
- Exam style questions - Transum
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Other resources
- Frequency polygons exam style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Data activities - CIMT
- Representing data check-in - OCR
- Two way tables and frequency tables lesson - Boss Maths
- Two way tables with ratio and fractions - @mathsmrgordon via variationtheory.com
- US Presidents longevity task - Median Don Steward
- Data analysis report - HE applications - Nuffield Foudation
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US Presidents Longevity - Median Don Steward |
- GCSE Graphs Revision Summary
- Probability revision - rogradymaths.blogspot.co.uk
- Charts and Graphs workout - Teachit Maths
- GCSE Statistics Questions - via mathsteachers.wordpress.com