1. GCSE Revision Mats and Papers
I have a page dedicated to GCSE revision resources and in my last gems post I shared some new additions to this page. Since then a few more new resources have been shared:- @MrMorleyMaths created a Foundation revision mat. It should be printed as a double sided A3 sheet - one side has an example or explanation, the other a corresponding exam style question.
- @1stclassmaths shared another completely original practice paper for AQA 1F, created using high frequency topics. This is part of a fantastic set of well-written practice papers for both Edexcel and AQA, available on 1stclassmaths.com. I used Higher Paper 1B in a Year 11 lesson on Thursday - there are loads of great questions in there.
- Third Space Learning has a number of GCSE revision resources, available for free if you enter your email address. Their collection includes practice papers, worksheets and revision mats.
- @MattTheApp shared a free AQA Foundation revision mat for Paper 1, featuring worked examples, rehearsal questions and answers.
Also - this isn't GCSE but will be helpful to A level Further Maths teachers - @ECR_Maths made a warm up grid for her AS Further Maths students to do before AQA Paper 1.
2. TES Author
I was delighted to discover a fantastic collection of resources on TES from @HTMaths. I've already started to make good use of these. Last week I used Exponential Equations (Index Laws) in a Year 11 revision lesson which worked really well.
There are loads of great resources here for both Key Stage 3 and 4 - I've added many of them to my resource libraries.
4. Dr Austin
Dr Austin completed her collection of 23 revision grids, which are designed for IGCSE but useful for GCSE too. Thanks Amanda!She has also been producing other great resources including tasks for rearranging formulae and bounds.
MathsPad is my favourite maths resources website - I use it every day at both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. And the booklets are incredibly useful for cover lessons! They've recently added some excellent new features:- Their new free Interactive Graphing Tool allows you to draw functions, lines and points on a grid. You can include sliders - the interface is really easy to use. It projects well on a screen and you can also use it to make customised blank grids that can be exported to PDF to printing.
- Not free, but well worth the subscription, is the new Graphing Inequalities Tool which has a manual fill tool for shading regions bounded by lines. Along with this are three new lessons including student worksheets.
- There are also two brilliant new booklets for Higher GCSE: Expressions, which includes equating coefficients and proof, and Circle Theorems.
At my school Year 11 don't have study leave until after half-term, so I still have another six lessons with my class, plus my last Papers Society of the year, plus breakfast warm ups on Friday. I'm using a variety of non-calculator resources including my revision workouts, revision mats and breakfast activities.
I'll be speaking at three conferences this term:
- A Future Teaching Scholars event in Birmingham on 20th May where I'm presenting 'Challenge in the Maths Classroom'
- #mathsconf32 in Derby on 24th June where I'm presenting 'Challenge without Acceleration'
- The MEI Conference in Keele on 29th June where I'm presenting 'Good Task, Bad Task'.
I hope to see lots of you at these events.
Have a great week everyone!
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