Topics in Depth Project

I wrote about my rationale for this project in 2017.

The idea is that a teacher delivers these sessions to their colleagues in a department meeting or CPD session at an appropriate time (ideally when they are about to teach that topic).

Each pack covers subject knowledge, teaching approaches, misconceptions and resources.

The collection is growing very slowly! Please bear with me - these take a really long time to pull together. Each pack should take between 30 and 60 minutes to run through with colleagues. Please download the documents so that the animations and links work. Refer to the notes section on each slide for sources and comments.

I am very grateful to maths teacher and consultant Nikki Martin for providing a set of 'Topics in Depth' packs for primary teachers - I've shared these below.

Topics in Depth Secondary Collection

In the Marvellous Maths 2 course I present Topics in Depth sessions on Coordinates, Pythagoras and Decimals.

Secondary topics in depth slides contributed by other authors:

Topics in Depth Primary Collection (with thanks to Nikki Martin @nikki_nzmartin)

A guide to using these packs


  1. Hi Jo, I notice the Year 2 Measure's link leads to the same file as the Yr 2 Multiplication & Division.

    1. Oops, sorry! Fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

  2. Wow, as a starting teacher this is going to be my go to page before starting a topic! Thanks for sharing :-)

  3. Hi Jo
    I know you have mentioned the newest topics are getting added soon... do you know when you hope to upload them by? I used your both of your angles resources recently in a subject knowledge cpd with my maths department and they were brilliant... Excited to see your stuff on units and circle theorems!
    Thank you again.. these are great resources.

    1. Hi. I’ll upload units after I’ve presented it at a conference on 9th March. I haven’t finished circle theorems yet - these take me so long! Sorry - slow progress!

  4. Hi! Nikki Martin's Topics in Depth seem to be password all of a sudden - do you know what might have changed?

    1. Hi. I mentioned this in a recent blog post and put a note about it on my homepage. Google changed all its security settings which broke all my links. If you want access, request it and I will action ASAP. Sorry.

  5. Hi Jo, I've enjoyed your topics in depth series, particularly your use of etymology of maths words. Just wondering if you've looked into why we use the word "term" in algebra? It doesn't seem to link to any other English equivalent meaning of the word and I can't see the connection between the word and its mathematical meaning.

    Any ideas?

    1. Hi. I have taken a photo of the entry 'term' in my book 'The Words of Mathematics'. Link below. Hope this helps!
