18 May 2024

GCSE Paper 2 Resources

We are very fortunate in maths education to have so many hard working teachers and tutors preparing materials we can use between GCSE Papers 1 and 2, and later between Papers 2 and 3. 

My final timetabled lesson with my Year 11 class is a double on Friday 24th May, in which I plan to use the 1st Class Maths Practice Paper 2

We also have a 1.5 hour session over half term (optional for students, but I expect high turnout) in which I might use the Preparation Papers from Corbett Maths (before anyone asks - it's totally optional for my team to come in for this, and yes - we do get paid for it!).

I could write a blog post where I list all the various predicted topic lists and papers for all exam boards, but why replicate what's already done so well elsewhere? I highly recommend Colleen Young's post GCSE Maths Revision – Paper 2 and Adam Creen's Best Guess GCSE Dropbox. Colleen and Adam are very good at keeping track of everything that's published. Thank you both!

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