16 February 2023

Area in Depth

Since 2017 I've produced a series of CPD sessions, each one covering an individual maths topic. I call this my 'Topics in Depth' project. These CPD sessions focus on curriculum, assessment, subject knowledge, pedagogy and resources.

Maths teachers simply don't get enough time to research topics thoroughly when they plan lessons. In this project I aim to support teachers by doing the research for them. I've prepared a number presentations that teachers can look at individually or as a department. Some of these presentations have been recorded and you can find them on my Youtube Channel.

Thanks to generous sponsorship from AQA, Craig Barton and I recently recorded a new set of presentations which will be released over the coming months:

1. Area in Depth (below)
2. Surds in Depth
3. Exact Trig Values in Depth

I'm really proud of these. If they're well received, we'll record more videos like this in the near future.

I did intend to write a book to accompany my Topics in Depth project, but it's very difficult for a full-time teacher to find time to write a book! Maybe one day...

If you're a maths teacher with a spare hour, please watch Area in Depth and the two videos that follow. I hope you find them both enjoyable and helpful.

The slides for this Area in Depth video can be downloaded here.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Jo! Would have liked resources like this to use with my department team before I left. A good 45 min example showing key elements that can be replicated in other topics. Having time to research them as well as you have though is a bit daunting!
