Back in the day, Ed Southall and I used to run a weekly Twitter chat called #mathsTLP (TLP stood for Twitter Lesson Planning). We launched it in March 2015 with a simple aim: to support maths teachers who were planning lessons. We would happily answer any question, but the main focus would be on finding suitable resources for upcoming topics. We mainly aimed to support new or non-specialist teachers, but everyone was welcome to join in. Ed and I would offer our own advice and suggestions, and other teachers would offer ideas too. So basically it was teachers helping teachers.
Here are some examples of previous #mathstlp questions so you get an idea of what it looks like in practice:
#mathstlp was a considered a big success by the teachers who regularly got involved. And sometimes it reached beyond the chat participants - for example I summed up the discussion we had about teaching Foundation GCSE classes in this blog post which has since been read by over fourteen thousand teachers seeking the same advice.
I've been looking back through the #mathsTLP threads from 2015 - they show that some things have changed in the last seven years. These days there's a lot of love for rich tasks, intelligent practice and clever interweaving. Preferences and styles were a bit different back then, with lots of requests for games and 'fun' stuff. Either way, #mathsTLP will be as helpful now as it was back then.
Now - drumroll please. Here's the exciting news:
#mathsTLP is officially back!
Join in or just watch it all unfold. You can read the tweets without any obligation to tweet yourself. But if you want to join in (we hope lots of you do!), just make sure you include #mathstlp in your tweets so that Christine or Brooke spot them in the feed and make sure they get a response. You are invited to either ask a question yourself or offer an idea in response to someone else's question.
One thing to be aware of: if your account is protected (you have a little picture of a padlock by your Twitter handle) then remember that no one can see your tweets unless they follow you! And even if they follow you, they will not be able to retweet you. So if you want to take part in a Twitter chat then please unprotect your account first.
We're all working towards a common goal so let's help each other out. Please join in on Sunday 6th November to make #mathsTLP a success.
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