1. Matching Games
Henk Reuling (@HenkReuling) has produced some fabulous applets for use on an interactive whiteboard, laptop or tablet. In one applet, you have to calculate the radius of each coloured circle - it's more challenging than it looks!
There are loads more applets covering topics such as Pythagoras, fractions and quadratic graphs.
2. TES Secondary Maths Collection
Over Christmas I contributed to a project for TES where a group of us carefully handpicked the best free TES resources for every topic. These have now been published on the secondary maths collection page. We're hoping that this helps support the lesson planning process. For example, if you're planning a lesson on bearings then you'll find some excellent bearings resources here.
Read Craig Barton's post for more information about this collection.
3. Mathonyms
You probably already subscribe to Chris Smith's maths newsletter (which I blogged about here and here). If so, you may have already seen Mathonyms, which he featured in Issue 432. The website Mathonyms.xyz was shared by Australian teacher Andrew Wrigley - his student Mitchell Hamilton created this website for Pi Day. It produces “Mathonyms”: words characterised by Mathsy symbols. Great fun!
4. Resources for Kenya
The creator of website mathsbox.org.uk, Sandra (@mathsbox1), is going to Kenya with volunteer organisation African Adventures to work with children living in deprivation. In order to raise money for resources to take to Kenya, she's sharing a new or popular Mathsbox resource for free on Twitter each day for 60 days. In return she hopes that people will make donations on her Crowdfunding page. Resources shared so far include 'Graph Detectives', structured problem solving questions, a higher GCSE revision relay and a foundation GCSE revision relay. Follow Sandra on Twitter for the daily links.
I wrote about David Morse's (@Maths4Everyone) resources here. Lately I've made good use of his resources with my Year 11s, including his great set of 'show that' questions on forming and solving quadratics.
David has now extended his range of resources into the primary phase by producing compilations of maths questions for KS2 SATs Revision. They are organised by topic and full solutions are provided. These excellent free resources are worth sharing with Year 6 teachers.
In case you missed it, my latest post was about a wonderful maths textbook from the 1700s: Hodder's Arithmetick. If you have some spare time over Easter, you might enjoy this and my other posts about what I've found in old textbooks.
Last week I updated my multiple choice questions post to add a great new set of quizzes produced by Grace Horne (@GSmithlar).
I am ridiculously excited that it's nearly time for BCME! I've really enjoying preparing my workshop, and I'm looking forward to recording my daily conference podcasts with Craig Barton. If you're not coming to BCME, look out for the podcasts next week.
If you're planning to come to #mathsconf15 in Manchester on 23rd June, note that La Salle have now announced the venue for both the conference (Manchester Enterprise Academy Central) and the pre-conference drinks (the Manchester Piccadilly Premier Inn).
If you teach Year 11 or Year 13 then no doubt you will be running revision lessons after Easter. You might find these posts helpful:
If you know any science teachers, you might want to tell them about diagnosticquestions.com where there are now almost 4,000 completely free science multiple choice questions. Also, it's worth reading this excellent post by @Benneypenyrheol on the use of the bar modelling in science lessons. It occurred to me when reading this post that maths departments could support science departments by offering bar modelling CPD using examples relevant to science.
I'll leave you with this area puzzle that your students might enjoy, shared on Twitter by @SteveJLyon. Have a lovely Easter!
If you teach Year 11 or Year 13 then no doubt you will be running revision lessons after Easter. You might find these posts helpful:
If you know any science teachers, you might want to tell them about diagnosticquestions.com where there are now almost 4,000 completely free science multiple choice questions. Also, it's worth reading this excellent post by @Benneypenyrheol on the use of the bar modelling in science lessons. It occurred to me when reading this post that maths departments could support science departments by offering bar modelling CPD using examples relevant to science.
I'll leave you with this area puzzle that your students might enjoy, shared on Twitter by @SteveJLyon. Have a lovely Easter!
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