Don's session, which is being held on a Saturday morning, will be on 'Seeking Generality'. Here's the description:
The second aim of the national curriculum is that students can reason mathematically.
What does it mean for your students to be able to follow a line of enquiry?
The intention of the session is to explore ways to engage students in conjecturing relationships, expressing a detected general rule and developing a notion of proof.
Examples will be offered from across standard curriculum topics and some tasks will illustrate how a range of new GCSE specimen exam questions contain seeds for growing generalities.
This workshop is free to attend. I'm very grateful to my headteacher for funding this event.
Afterwards we'll go for a pub lunch which you are very welcome to join us for.
In only one day 40 maths teachers have registered to attend! There's still places available so register now!
You'll find all the details here:
Hope to see you there.
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