Huge thanks to all individuals and organisations who share teaching resources.
Quick links: Negatives | Place Value | Addition & Subtraction | Multiplication & Division | Order of Operations | Decimals | Rounding | Estimation | Calculator Skills | Fractions | Percentages | Growth & Decay | Ratio & Proportion | Factors, Multiples and Number Properties | Recurring Decimals | Indices | Surds | Standard Form
Negative Numbers
- Adding Shifts - SMILE
- Ordering Positive & Negative Integers - Grid Challenge - Mr Thompson on TES
- Always Sometimes Never - mathspad.co.uk
- Directed Numbers Puzzle - mathspad.co.uk
- Adding and Subtracting Using Directed Numbers I (answers) - @taylorda01
- Adding and Subtracting Using Directed Numbers II (answers) - @taylorda01
- Adding and Subtracting with Negative Numbers Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- More Adding and Subtracting with Negative Numbers Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Adding and Subtracting with Negative Numbers Name the Film (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Directed number practice 1 - Don Steward
- Directed number practice 2 - Don Steward
- Directed number arithmogons - Don Steward
- Multiplying directed numbers - Don Steward
- Multiplying negative numbers minimally different questions - @FortyNineCubed
- Dividing negative numbers minimally different questions - @FortyNineCubed
- Multiplying & Dividing Directed Numbers (answers & supporting material) - @taylorda01
- Multiplying with Negative Numbers Odd One Out (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Multiplying with Negative Numbers Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Dividing with Negative Numbers Name the Film (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Multiplying / Dividing Negatives - Reverse Multiplication Grids - Mr Thompson on TES
- Directed Number Gaps - Median Don Steward
- Radiating directed numbers - Median Don Steward
- Products of directed numbers (includes algebra) - typed up by @littlemissdwyer
- Directed number review - Don Steward
- Ever Wondered Why? - JustMaths
- Missing Numbers - Teachit Maths
- Seven Circles (multiplying negatives) - Scholastic Teaching Resources
- Directed number magic squares - Don Steward
- Magic Squares - mathspad.co.uk
- Puzzle square - Median Don Steward
- Blog post: Multiplying Negatives
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Magic Squares - MathsPad |
- Interactive Place Value Tool - MathsPad
- Place Value Booklet, Slides and Activities - MathsPad
- Calculator Flags - SMILE
- Ordering integers and decimals chapter - MathsPad
- Ordering positive and negative integers lesson - Boss Maths
- Ordering numbers (answers & supporting materials) - @taylorda01
- Place value chapter & activities - CIMT
- Place value - decimals - White Rose Maths via TES
- Nearest to - Don Steward
- Powers of 10 Flags - SMILE
- Multiplying by powers of 10 (answers) - @taylorda01
- Dividing by powers of 10 (answers) - @taylorda01
- Multiply and Divide by Powers of 10 - Teachit Maths
- Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of 10 - ptarmigan on TES
- Related Calculations - Teachit Maths
- Related Calculations - MathsPad
- More place value resources from MathsPad (£)
[back to top]
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division
Order of Operations (see my topics in depth pack)
Calculator Skills

Factors, Multiples and Number Properties
If you find any broken links on this page please email resourceaholic@gmail.com.
- Mental methods of calculation - Don Steward
- Basic Number Tasks - Don Steward
- Arithmetic practice - Don Steward
- Missing numbers - Teacher resources online
- Subtractions - Don Steward
- Crytarithms - Don Steward
- Number puzzles - Don Steward
- Squares inside a rectangle - Don Steward
- Making a Difference - nrich
- Add to 200 - nrich
- Using Standard Algorithms for Number Operations - Mathematics Assessment Project
[back to top]
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Missing Numbers |
- Multiplication Makes Sense - SMILE via STEM Centre
- Multiplication Flags - SMILE
- Arithmetic practice - Don Steward
- Thinking of Division as Multiplication - mathsmda.weebly.com
- 7 Times Table Reasoning Activities - krisgreg30 on TES
- Multiplication, long by a digit - Median Don Steward
- Multiplication Textbook 1 and Textbook 2 - Corbett Maths
- Multiplying positive integers - lessons from Boss Maths
- Multiplication methods (teacher resource) - Teacher Resources Online
- Long multiplication teaching - Don Steward
- Division notes and questions - Teacher Resources Online
- Crossums - Teacher Resources Online
- 1 to 9 multiplied - Median Don Steward
- Multiplication problems - Median Don Steward
- Multiplication find the gaps - Median Don Steward
- Division - Median Don Steward
- Multiplication of big numbers - Don Steward
- My blog post about Divisibility Rules
- Don Steward's post about long multiplication teaching
[back to top]
Roots task from Dan Draper |
Order of Operations (see my topics in depth pack)
- Order of Operations Lesson - Richard Tock
- Order of operations intelligent practice - variationtheory.com
- Order of operating - Median Don Steward
- BiDMAS (First Steps) - Maths4Everyone
- Order of operations lesson - Boss Maths
- Order of Operations (answers) - @taylorda01
- Order of Operations II - @taylorda01
- Crossnumber - Teachit Maths
- Whodunnit (with solution) - JustMaths
- Order of operations resources (download at end of blog post) - Dan Draper
- Missing Operators - Teachit Maths
- BIDMAS spiders - alutwyche on TES
- BIDMAS lock game - Dan Walker on TES
- Games - BIDMAS dice and BIDMAS four in a row - Teachit Maths
- Order of calculating - Median Don Steward
- Countdown - MathsBot
- Make 100 - nrich
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Operation Countdown by @taylorda01 |
- Place value - decimals - White Rose Maths via TES
- Place Value Booklet, Slides and Activities - MathsPad
- Ordering decimals lesson - Boss Maths
- Ordering decimals - grid puzzle - Mr Thompson on TES
- Addition and subtraction of decimals - White Rose Maths via TES
- Arithmetic - Decimals + and - - CIMT
- Decimal Search - SMILE
- Arithmetic - Decimals x - CIMT
- Arithmetic - Decimal Division - CIMT
- Decimal puzzle path - Teachit Maths
- Decimal addition - Median Don Steward
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals (answers) - @taylorda01
- Multiplying with Decimals Name the Film (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Dividing with Decimals Odd One Out (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Decimal multiply and divide Whodunnit - JustMaths
- Applying the four operations to decimals - Boss Maths
- Decimals Task Cards - GottaLuvItCreations on TES
- Decimal flags - SMILE
- Decimal multiplication and division activity - Median Don Steward
- Decimal steps - Median Don Steward
- Dividing into decimals - Mr Thompson on TES
- Decimal addition, multiplication and division practice - Don Steward
- Decimal Multiplication and Division Practice - Don Steward
- Dividing decimals (answers) - @taylorda01
- Multiplying decimals (answers) - @taylorda01
- Decimal routes - SMILE
- 3.142 variations - Median Don Steward
- Six digits - Median Don Steward
- Decimal calculations: Right or Wrong? - Peter Mattock on TES
- Decimal sequences - Median Don Steward
- Decimal Scales - Median Don Steward
- Decimals practice makes perfect - Don Steward
- Related Calculations - Teachit Maths
- Related Calculations - MathsPad
[back to top]
- Place Value Booklet, Slides and Activities - MathsPad
- Rounding numbers code breaker - mathspad.co.uk
- Rounding lessons - Boss Maths
- Rounding decimals Geogebra Visualisation
- Variationtheory.com rounding tasks
- Simple rounding worksheets including number lines - Math Salamanders
- Rounding Pixel Puzzle 1 and Puzzle 2 - MissBrookesMaths (corrections here)
- Rounding slides and Rounding to 2dp Question Trade - Teachit Maths
- Rounding spiders - alutwyche on TES
- Rounding to powers of 10 - Don Steward
- Rounding to different amounts - Don Steward
- Rich rounding tasks - blog post by Dan Draper
- Significant Figures - Ashton Coward
- Truncation (post and resources) - Jemma Sherwood
- How secure is your rounding? - TeachIt Maths
- For bounds resources see my shape resources library
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@OxfordEdMaths |
- Estimation by rounding lesson - cparkinson3 on TES
- Estimating answers lesson - Boss Maths
- Estimation worksheet
- Estimation (Activity 6.4) - CIMT
- Estimation collect a joke - Dan Walker on TES
- Calculations - MissBrookesMaths
- Calculations - Decimals - MissBrookesMaths
- Estimation Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Approximation - cazoommathsworksheets.com
- Approximation and Estimation Check In - OCR
- Estimating powers and roots - Boss Maths
- Estimating square roots - Mr Thompson on TES
- Estimating Sums - Median Don Steward
[back to top]
Calculator Skills
- NNS Calculator Activities - STEM Centre
- Calculator story - frickard on TES
- Using a calculator: odd one out - MathsPad
- Calculator words - Median Don Steward
- Using a Calculator Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin
- Using a Calculator Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin
- Interpreting a calculator relay - MissBrookesMaths
- Use of calculator treasure hunt - nottcl on TES
- Using a calculator match up (answers) - Dr Austin
- Equivalent Representations - The Calculator Guide
- Using a calculator GCSE revision - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Calculator Crunch resources - MEI
- The Calculator Guide (YouTube Channel)
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Shading, simplifying, equivalence
- Fraction stories - Chris McGrane
- Fraction shading 1, Fraction shading 2, Fraction shading 3 - SMILE
- Fraction shading - Don Steward
- Fractions of shapes (answers) - @taylorda01
- The big book of fractions - krisgreg30 on TES
- Mastery Fractions Worksheets - tomgale001 on TES
- Fractions matching activity - WRMathsHub on TES
- True or false cards: fraction misconceptions - Mark Horley
- Equivalent Fractions - MathsPad
- Match Three: Equivalent Fractions - MathsPad
- Visual improper fractions - visualfractions.com
- Improper Fractions Task - Chris McGrane
- Code breakers: Simplifying, Improper & Fractions of amounts - Teachit Maths
- Fractions activities - Math with Pizzazz
- Ordering fractions - grid challenge - Mr Thompson on TES
- Ordering fractions exam style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Cancelling Fractions - Don Steward
- Improper fractions - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions - Tick Tock Maths
- Converting between Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions - Mr Thompson on TES
- Fractions inc algebra - Equivalent, Simplifying - MissBrookesMaths
- Forward and back fractions - Don Steward
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Hinge question from Dylan William |
- Fractions and their rules lesson - cparkinson3 on TES
- Adding fractions puzzle - MathsPad
- Fractions - CIMT
- Adding & Subtraction Fractions Lesson - @TickTockMaths
- Adding and subtracting fractions (answers) - @taylorda01
- Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Adding Fractions - Finding Missing Numerators - Mr Thompson on TES
- Fraction triangles - Median Don Steward
- Fraction arithmetic practice - Don Steward
- Fraction sums collect a joke - Dan Walker on TES
- Multiplying fractions (answers) - @taylorda01
- Multiplying Mixed Numbers Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Multiplying Mixed Numbers worksheet - Mr Thompson on TES
- Multiplying Mixed Numbers - Missing Digits - Mr Thompson on TES
- Fraction Multiplication and Division with Substitution - typed up by @stevebishop100
- Dividing fractions (answers) - @taylorda01
- Dividing Mixed Numbers Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Dividing Fractions Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Dividing Mixed Numbers worksheet - Mr Thompson on TES
- Fraction division - Don Steward
- Fractions of - Median Don Steward
- Fractions of amounts (answers) - @taylorda01
- Fraction magic squares - Median Don Steward
- Fractions maze and spot the mistake - Dan Walker on TES
- Fraction extension activities - glencoe.com
- Averages with fractions - Nathan Day
- Fractions inc algebra - Add and Subtract - MissBrookesMaths
- Fractions relay (with score sheet) - MathsBox
- Mixed fraction arithmetic including algebra - mathshelper.co.uk
- Exam style questions - fractions operations - Maths4Everyone

- Whole One Search - MisterMConnolly on TES
- Fractions to percentages - Don Steward
- Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Links to Division - Chris McGrane
- Converting Percentages to Fractions and Decimals (answers) - @taylorda01
- Converting Decimals to Percentages and Fractions (answers) - @taylorda01
- Converting Fractions to Percentages and Decimals (answers) - @taylorda01
- Fractions to percentages - Dan Walker/ Median Don Steward
- Fractions Decimals and Percentages Matching - MathsPad
- FDP Cluedo - danwalker on TES
- Dissecting a square - Standards Unit
- Reciprocals Odd One Out - MathsPad
- Ordering FDP Grid Challenge - Mr Thompson on TES
- Converting terminating decimals into fractions and vice versa - Boss Maths
- Fractions Key Skills - Starting Points Maths
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From @MathsMastery |
- Various percentages tasks - variationtheory.com
- Percentages activities from Teachit Maths
- Shade the given percentage - Mr Thompson on TES
- What percentage is shaded? - Mr Thompson on TES
- Percentages Grid - MathsPad
- Calculate Percentages (answers and supporting material) - @taylorda01
- One amount as a percentage of another (answers) - @taylorda01
- One amount as a percentage of another II (answers) - @taylorda01
- Percentages of money - SMILE
- Marks to percentages - SMILE
- Percentages practice - Don Steward
- From one percentage to another - Don Steward
- Percentages of amounts - Gareth Evans
- Percentage Change Etude - Colin Foster
- Percentage Change Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Percentage of an amount - ever wondered why? - JustMaths
- Percentage Change Chain - Michael Sharman on TES
- Scaffolded multipliers sheet - by me!
- Percentage Increase and Decrease Decode the Joke (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Percentage increase maze - Mr Thompson on TES
- Percentage decrease maze - Mr Thompson on TES
- Percentage Increase and Decrease Fill In The Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Percentage Increase and Decrease Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Mixed percentage multipliers - variationtheory.com
- % using multipliers - Median Don Steward
- Increase/decrease by a percentage (answers) - @taylorda01
- Reverse percentages (answers) - @taylorda01
- Percentages Inquiry - Inquiry Maths
- Forward and reverse percentages worksheet - awilki9 on TES
- Reverse Percentages - Thomas Alley
- Reverse Percentages Fill In The Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Reverse Percentages Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Mixed Percentages Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Mixed Percentages Revision Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Percentages Maths Challenge Questions (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Percentages Check In - OCR
- Percentage of amount maze - Dan Walker on TES
- Percentages GCSE revision - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Mixed percentages worksheet - by me!
- Mixed percentage problems lock game - Dan Walker on TES
- Percentages Full Coverage GCSE Questions - compiled by Dr Frost
Interest and repeated percentage change below.
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- Repeated Percentage Change With Multipliers - Ashton Coward
- Scaffolded compound interest sheet - by me!
- Compound Interest Fill In The Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Compound Interest Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Repeated Percentage Change Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Compound percentages activities from Teachit Maths
- Exponential Growth and Decay
- Growth and decay problems - Boss Maths
- Check-in test - OCR
- Interest assorted problems - Boss Maths
- Bridging Unit growth and decay - AQA
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- Ratio booklet - Starting Points Maths
- Simplifying ratios (answers) - @taylorda01
- Pairs - Median Don Steward
- Sharing with ratios - bar modelling lesson - cparkinson3 on TES
- Ratio minimally different questions - one part given - @FortyNineCubed
- Ratio minimally different questions - difference given - @FortyNineCubed
- Simplifying ratio bingo/match cards, student sheet, notes, slides - Nuffield Foundation
- Simplifying ratio - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Pixel Picture: Equivalent Ratios - richardtock on TES
- Ratio code breaker - Teachit Maths
- Write ratio in the form n:1 (answers) - @taylorda01
- Write ratio in the form 1:n (answers) - @taylorda01
- Ratio bar model - ColeyAL via TES
- Sharing in a given ratio - @taylorda01
- Dividing in a ratio puzzle - Mr Thompson on TES
- Superhero Ratio Sharing - @dooranran on TES
- Sharing in a ratio - fill in the gaps - Craig Barton
- Using ratio - TeachIt Maths
- Orangier - Median Don Steward
- The language of ratio - Teachit Maths
- Ratio Problems with Surds - Access Maths
- Angles and ratio 1 - steele1989 on TES
- Angles and ratio 2 - steele1989 on TES
- Ratio and Shape - GoTeachMaths
- Angle Facts with Ratio - GoTeachMaths
- Calculations with Ratio Check In - OCR
- What was the question? - Andy Lutwyche on TES
- Ratio GCSE revision - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Ratio problem solving - TeachIt Maths
- Ratio extension problems - Extension Mathematics
- Harder ratio questions - Median Don Steward
- Higher GCSE Ratio Approaches - by me!
- Angles and ratio - Sam Blatherwick
- Ratio exam questions - AQA (collated by me)
- Ratio Full Coverage GCSE Questions - compiled by Dr Frost
- GCSE Ratio and Proportion Questions - Don Steward
- GCSE 9-1 Exam Question Practice (Ratio) - Maths4Everyone
- See my blog post about teaching ratio for methods and approaches
- For ratio map scale, see measures resources
- Introductory Ratio and Proportion Lessons and Resources - MEI via Oak National Academy
- Making shortbread - Teachit Maths
- Proportion bursts - Teachit Maths
- Proportional Reasoning Resources - NCETM
- Boxes - Median Don Steward
- Unitary method: proportional reasoning - TeachIt Maths
- Exam questions: unitary method - KennethStafford on TES
- Currency conversion - mathshelper.co.uk
- Direct Proportion Graphs - MathsByFintan on TES
- Proportion exercises - Corbett Maths
- CSMS Proportion Questions - Don Steward
- Direct Proportion - mathshelper.co.uk
- Inverse Proportion - mathshelper.co.uk
- KS3 Ratio and Proportion textbook - CIMT
- Proportion KS2 Questions (answers) - Maths4Everyone
- Recipe KS2 Questions (answers) - Maths4Everyone
- Linear Proportion GCSE Questions (answers) - Maths4Everyone
- Best Buys - Median Don Steward
- Best Buy GCSE Style Questions - Corbett Maths
- What's the question? - Median Don Steward
- Proportion booklet (£) - MathsPad
Proportion formulae
- Solving problems involving direct proportion - BossMaths
- Constructing and interpreting equations that describe direct and inverse proportion - Boss Maths
- Direct Proportion Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Direct Proportion Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Harder Direct Proportion Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Harder Direct Proportion Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Inverse Proportion Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Inverse Proportion Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Harder Inverse Proportion Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Harder Inverse Proportion Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Worded Inverse Proportion Practice Strips (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Physics in Proportion - Median Don Steward
- Inverse proportion slides and activities - martin8baker on TES
- Proportion matching cards - source unknown (apologies to author)
- Direct or inverse proportion? - Teachit Maths
- Direct and inverse proportion - Median Don Steward
- Proportion worksheets: direct / inverse / general - mathshelper.co.uk
- Recognising and interpreting graphs that illustrate direct and inverse proportion - Boss Maths
- Breakfast shift - real-life inverse proportion lesson - Nyima Drayang on TES
- Direct and Inverse Proportion Full Coverage GCSE Questions - compiled by Dr Frost
- Direct and Inverse Proportion Exam Questions - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Direct and Inverse Proportion Revision Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Proportion exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
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Factors, Multiples and Number Properties
- Consecutive Chains Puzzle - MathsPad
- Factors, Multiples and Primes - deselby on TES
- Factor Frenzy - Teachit Maths
- Fact cards - The Chalk Face
- Factor Bugs Activity (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Factor Fish - Mr Chapman
- Factors True or False (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Multiples True or False (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Factors, Multiples and Primes Decode the Joke (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Find the primes - MathsBot
- Prime Numbers Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Prime number quiz - happymathematician on TES
- Prime Factors Puzzle (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Prime Factor decomposition activity - The Chalk Face
- Prime factor tree puzzles - Mr Thompson on TES
- Prime Factor Decomposition Logical Puzzle - MrMawson on TES
- Product of Prime Factors (answers) - @taylorda01
- Types of numbers from prime factors - Craig Barton
- Prime factorisation problems - Boss Maths
- Prime factor problems + solutions - Addvance Maths
- Prime factor challenges - Transum
- Prime Factorisation AI tasks - Duncan Grantham
- Prime factorisation exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Semiprimes investigation - Mr Thompson in TES
- Number families presentation - Mr Thompson on TES
- Factors and Multiples (answers) - @taylorda01
- Factors, Multiples, Primes, HCF and LCM lesson - cparkinson3 on TES
- HCF and LCM worded problems - Median Don Steward
- HCF and LCM star matching - Teachit Maths
- LCM worded problems - Teachit Maths
- HCF and LCM GCSE Revision - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Given the LCM and HCF - Median Don Steward
- LCM and HCF Generalising - Median Don Steward
- Finding the highest common factor and the lowest common multiple - Teachit Maths
- HCF and LCM exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- See my blog post on HCF/LCM for methods
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- Investigating Recurring and Terminating Decimals - by me
- Converting recurring decimals into fractions and vice versa - Boss Maths
- Repeating Decimals - Maths Assessment Project
- Investigating Terminating and Recurring Decimals Activity (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Terminating and Recurring Decimals Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Recurring Decimal Proof Fill in the Blanks (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Recurring Decimal Proof Practice Strips (Editable Word | PDF | Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Recurring Decimals Four in a Row - Teachit Maths
- Recurring decimals activity and method - The Chalk Face
- Matching recurring fractions and decimals - Teachit Maths
- Recurring Decimals - Median Don Steward
- Recurring decimal sums - Access Maths
- Converting Recurring Decimals into Fractions (GCSE Revision) - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Recurring Decimals GCSE Questions (answers) - Maths4Everyone
- Recurring decimals to fractions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
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- Index notation - four activities - by me!
- Squares, Cubes and Roots Decode the Joke (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Squares, cubes and roots (answers) - @taylorda01
- Powers practice - Don Steward
- Square roots and cube roots - Don Steward
- Square numbers - andytodd on TES
- Estimating Square Roots - Mr Thompson on TES
- Cube number introduction - Don Steward
- Powers of 10 - SMILE
- Notation, multiplication and indices - typed up by @pbrucemaths
- Multiplying indices (getting started) - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Reasoning with powers - Mr Draper Maths
- Introduction to powers of five - Don Steward
- Introduction to powers to three - Don Steward
- Indices (answers) - @taylorda01
- Laws of Indices Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Simplifying Indices Code Breaker - Teachit Maths
- Index Laws dominoes - Teachit Maths
- Index Laws codebreaker - MissBrookesMaths
- Using Indices - Standards Unit
- Powers of y eliminator - Teachit Maths
- Properties of Exponents - Mathematics Assessment Project
- Raising a power to a power - Kyle Gillies via Starting Point Maths
- Mental Powers Code Breaker - Teachit Maths
- Powers, Roots and Index Laws - danwalker on TES
- Indices worksheet - mathshelper.co.uk
- Index laws problems - Brilliant.org
- Index laws open middle task - Open Middle
- Powers spiders - Don Steward
- Powers and Roots GCSE revision - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Changing the base code breaker - Justgoodmaths on TES
- Shifting bases - Don Steward
- Fractional indices (answers) - @taylorda01
- Fractional indices - mathshelper.co.uk
- Fractional indices exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Negative powers - equivalent representations - Chris McGrane
- Negative indices (answers) - @taylorda01
- Calculations with negative indices - Karen Hanscock
- Developing Indices Skills for Calculus - Chris McGrane
- Indices problems - Access Maths
- Indices problems 2 - Access Maths
- Fractional Indices Match-Up (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Fractional and Negative Indices True or False (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Fractional and negative indices (answers) - @taylorda01
- Fractional Indices Always/Sometimes/Never - MathsPad
- Treasure hunts: simple index laws and negative & fractional indices - Teachit Maths
- Ever wondered why? - JustMaths
- Square roots and cube roots - Median Don Steward
- Harder Indices Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Mega hard powers questions - Don Steward
- Indices Extension - Mr Hill
- Repeated addition indices problems - Ashton Coward
- Indices A level worksheets (solutions) - Solomon
- Equating powers - mathshelper.co.uk
- Exponential Equations - Mr Thompson on TES
- GCSE 9-1 Exam Question Practice (Powers and Roots) - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Indices Full Coverage GCSE Questions - compiled by Dr Frost
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- Surds Lessons and Resources - MEI via Oak National Academy
- Surds tasks - Miss Konstantine
- Rational and irrational fill in the blanks (answers) - draustinmaths
- Surd or not a surd? (answers) - draustinmaths
- Surds Spiders - alutwyche on TES
- Surds Odd One Out - MathsPad
- Is it rational? - MathsPad
- Surds pairs - Teachit Maths
- Surd Pyramid - Peter Drysdale
- Multiplication of surds build up - Starting Point Maths
- Surds Multiplication Madness - Peter Drysdale
- Simplify using surds - @taylorda01
- Surd simplification - Median Don Steward
- True or false activity - Susan Wall
- Surds - Applying and problem solving - jhturner on TES
- Multiplication squares - MathsPad
- Expanding brackets with surds - @taylorda01
- Surds GCSE revision - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Multiplying surds - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Multiplying and Dividing Surds Crack the Code (Answers) - draustinmaths
- Multiplying and Dividing Surds Decode the Joke (Answers) - draustinmaths
- Simplifying Surds Using Prime Factors Fill In The Blanks (Answers) - draustinmaths
- Simplifying Surds Using Square Numbers Fill In The Blanks (Answers) - draustinmaths
- Simplifying surds practice grid (answers) - draustinmaths
- Surds and Brackets (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Surds (Rationalising the Denominator) - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Rationalising the denominator - Starting Points Maths
- Rationalise the denominator - @taylorda01
- Rationalising surds - Access Maths
- Rationalising fill in the blanks (answers) - DrAustinMaths
- Rationalise the denominator exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Using surds (answers) - @taylorda01
- Manipulating Surds - Standards Unit N11
- Surds Connect 4 - JustMaths
- Evaluating Statements about Radicals - MAP
- Surds arithmagons - MEI
- Ratio Problems with Surds - Access Maths
- Averages with surds - Nathan Day
- Surds A level worksheet (solutions) - Solomon
- Surds A level problem solving worksheet (solutions) - Solomon
- Tripods - MEI
- Surds Full Coverage GCSE Questions - compiled by Dr Frost
- Calculating with surds exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- More free surds resources on Dr Austin Maths
- Subscription surds resources on MathsPad.co.uk
- See my blog post on Surds for ideas and resources
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- How many ways can we write 1 million? - mathspad.co.uk
- Place Value - A pack of powers of 10 and standard form puzzles to decode - gmacphail on TES
- Scientific notation variation grid (positive powers) - gmathewson on TES
- Writing in Standard Form Odd One Out (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Writing in Standard Form Decode the Joke (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Writing Large Numbers in Standard Form Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Writing Small Numbers in Standard Form Crack the Code (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Practical Standard Form Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Standard Form Revision Practice Grid (Answers) - Dr Austin Maths
- Giantburger task - Mathematics Assessment Project
- Ever wondered why - JustMaths
- Standard form non-examples - Andy Lutwyche
- Calculations with Standard Form booklet - Nathan Day
- Calculating with Standard Form - Fill in the Gaps - Mr Thompson on TES
- Topic check in - standard form - OCR
- Area and perimeter with standard form - @Jshmtn
- Estimating length using scientific notation - Mathematics Assessment Project
- Standard form exam questions - mathsteaching.wordpress.com
- Standard form collect a joke - danwalker on TES
- Large and Small - student sheet and teacher notes - Nuffield Foundation
- Standard form worksheet - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Standard form GCSE revision - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Standard form exam questions - Maths4Everyone on TES
- Standard form exam-style questions (answers) - 1st Class Maths
- Boss Maths:
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